
Here you’ll find a constantly growing collection of resources to inspire, encourage and challenge you as you’re shining light in your world!

Torch Talk – Chasing Failure

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

This Torch Talk was inspired by a message from a speaker named Ryan Leak. He decided to get audacious and do something he knew he’d fail in – tryout for an NBA team. But in doing so, he found that he actually made it much further by chasing failure than he ever did by chasing success.

Torch Talk – Building Heaven on Earth

What do you immediately think if I said “God wants to bless you”?

Often I would feel a bit selfish thinking about that. I know it’s true that God wants to bless me, but I want to focus on being a blessing to those around me.

But what if I said it’s actually HIGHLY SELFISH TO NOT ASK GOD TO BLESS YOU.

Torch Talk – Don’t Be Salty

Sometimes we can be disheartened by not feeling like we don’t have much impact. But God is completely unconcerned by how tiny a “trickle” we feel like our influence is – all He asks is for us to let His love and life flow through us…and then see what a mighty torrent He can make it!

Torch Talk – “I Wanna Be A Reflector”

I have these great memories of driving home from youth group, packed in a car full of sweaty, hormone-ravaged, teenagers, with windows rolled down and stereo cranked so loud the doors shook while we shouted at the top of our lungs…

And these memories have inspired this month’s Torch Talk!


Splanchnizomai – it’s not a word you use every day (well at least I assume it’s not), but it’s a word that’s central to our mission. And if we let God work it in our hearts, it can totally change how we relate to those around us!