
Here you’ll find a constantly growing collection of resources to inspire, encourage and challenge you as you’re shining light in your world!

Showing Torch Talks inspirations.

Torch Talk – Chasing Failure

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

This Torch Talk was inspired by a message from a speaker named Ryan Leak. He decided to get audacious and do something he knew he’d fail in – tryout for an NBA team. But in doing so, he found that he actually made it much further by chasing failure than he ever did by chasing success.

Torch Talk – Building Heaven on Earth

What do you immediately think if I said “God wants to bless you”?

Often I would feel a bit selfish thinking about that. I know it’s true that God wants to bless me, but I want to focus on being a blessing to those around me.

But what if I said it’s actually HIGHLY SELFISH TO NOT ASK GOD TO BLESS YOU.