Meet the TB fam!
The Torch Bearers are our family of partners, and together we’re shining God's light in the darkest corners!

Join the TB Family
Through a monthly donation of any amount, you can be part of this mission as we're reaching people everywhere with God's hope and light.
Plus, as part of the TB Fam, you’ll have full access to a range of exclusive content and resources to inspire, encourage and equip you to shine God’s light in your world – right where you are (check out more details below!)
Look what we can do...together!
Every time our content reaches into someone's life, our TB Fam have a hand on the torch!
You may not be with us physically, but through your partnership you’re carrying the torch along with us…and every life we reach, we’ve reached together!
Recently through the COVID-19 crisis that shook the world, my husband and I fell into very difficult times financially. We suddenly felt at sea - nothing was secure and darkness was taking over. We needed an Anchor of Hope in the waves. The same Anchor of Hope that Caleb sings about in "It's Alright" was also an Anchor for us. In the midst of a hopeless situation, we held onto our Anchor of Hope and we saw Him bring a miracle.
I work in a tough environment and had been hurt so badly I lost sight of any goodness or hope. Then I heard Caleb's song 'My Song'. It felt like it was so about me and how I was feeling during that time. As I listened, God showed me He was with me in the mess. I had hope and I could see a different future.
I was feeling so overwhelmed and defeated when it came to the dreams on my heart. I felt as though God had led me to a dead end and I'd lost all hope for my dreams to ever come to pass. Then I heard Caleb's song "Faithful" and it was as though you'd written the song just for me! It reminded me of God's faithfulness and helped my heart to start believing again.
I was going through a really dark time. My family was a mess and I just didn't know where to turn. I felt hopeless. One day I heard "My Song" and it was as if the lyrics were quoting my life. Every time I hear that song I cry. It has reminded me that God will always be faithful - however dark it is!
Literally for years I've been trying to reconnect with an old friend who has been in a really dark place. Whatever I did, I just never heard back from him. Then out of the blue I got a message from him - he'd watched the Summer Sessions and it had really impacted him! Thank you for making music that's filled with hope!
Through work I encountered a girl who had been through hell and was suicidal. I shared Caleb's music and lit a spark of hope. She's still on the journey, but your music brought light to the darkest of places.
I struggled with bullying growing up in school and it really dented my self confidence. I was crying in my room one day and happened to listen to Caleb's song "I Love You". I can't describe how it impacted me. It was like God was speaking directly to me, reaching deep into my heart and telling me that He isn't ashamed of me. I'm still on the journey but that song has been such a source of strength to me.
Caleb's song has become my constant go to in times of pressure. I will sit and listen to the words over and over again. “When the waves are so high that I can’t see the shore”. When I feel like that I will go back to this song and it reminds me that God is faithful.
Caleb is able to touch the heart of people - taking a message of hope to the hopeless.
My friend would never listen when I talked about Jesus. Then I invited her to Caleb's concert...and she came! I looked across and she was sitting there in tears - his ministry reached straight to her heart where words couldn't reach!
I shared Future is Bright with one of my teachers. He told me the next week how it really impacted him because his family lives over in China and is going through a really hard time. Now he's sending it to them and is even translating it for them to have a version in their own language!
We are Family
Torch Bearers have exclusive access to a continual stream of fresh content to inspire, encourage and resource you to shine God's light in your world!
You're carrying a torch in your world
It's such a joy to invest into our Torch Bearers family with exclusive content and resources...and to see the creative ways you're shining God's light in your world!
I shared Future is Bright with one of my teachers. He told me the next week how it really impacted him because his family lives over in China and is going through a really hard time. Now he's sending it to them and is even translating it for them to have a version in their own language!
We wanted to find a way to "shine light in the darkness" during Halloween. We decided to purchase a bunch of Future is Bright wristbands to give trick or treaters who came to our house. This was our way of sharing hope, that their future could be bright.
Your ministry is yielding lives out here in the "Wild West." 2 of my work partners are loving future is bright. Why? They both asked me about my wristband!
I played "Future is Bright" for a friend. She broke down and told me “my future is not bright.” She proceeded to tell me about the darkness in her life and how she had made plans to kill herself. This gave me an opportunity to share my own story of darkness and the reason why I am still alive and why there is hope.
In my work I meet people every day and there are so many broken people all the time. I love sharing Calebs music with them because it just gives them hope and I just see their faces light up. I've told so many people about Jesus because of his music
Because of my own story, I have given so many people copies of your song, Faithful. I constantly find that when people hear that song, it touches them and in many cases it starts them on their own journey to understanding the faithfulness of the Anchor of Hope.
I was wearing my Future is Bright t-shirt to work and people kept saying how much they loved it! I was able to guide them to listen to your music all about hope! Then I even got one of them his own Future is Bright hoodie!!
Our son loves Caleb Lewis and wears his Future is Bright wristband to school everyday. We bought a handful of wristbands so that he could give them to his friends at school. The wristbands are such a small thing, but they have opened up conversations with kids and their parents about the hope we have.
I do uni online, and one day my classmate noticed on the camera I was wearing a Future is Bright wristband. They asked about it and it opened up this chance for me to share with them about Jesus - and now they're listening to Caleb's music too!
Last night my neighbour popped in to chat about replacing the fence. We chatted for a while and I started talking about Caleb's music and the hope he sings about. The week before I had bought a fire starter pack, so I was able to give him a CD and some cards - so now he's listening to the music too and exploring a message of hope!
I love sharing the Future is Bright Summer Sessions video with my family!! Every time they watch it they can't help but get into it and then I know its leading them to more stuff all about Jesus and that's just so so cool
I work in a tough environment where the work can be so hard to handle that everyone tries to numb their feelings in order to survive. Personally, when I heard Caleb's song 'The Future is Bright', it inspired a real sense of hope for me. Now, I often play this song to my friends or colleagues as a way of opening the door to conversations about the darker side of life.
I shared Caleb's song "You Saw Me" with a colleague recently. When she heard it, she cried and cried, sharing with me the heartache of watching her husband battle with PTSD and suicide attempts. She then shared Caleb's songs with her husband and they both shared how much these songs of hope encouraged them.
It's about more than music
We love making music. But we love people more.
We say our music is a torch because everything we do – every song, every video, every concert – it’s all for a single purpose: carrying God’s light to reach people in the darkest corners.

You have a hand on the torch
Because of our TB fam, that torch reaches further into the darkness...changing more lives!
By contributing to our ministry (through a monthly donation of any amount you choose – there’s no minimum) our TB fam empower us to reach further with our music.
So every time we take light into darkness – be it through a song, a concert, a podcast, a video or a book – you’ve got a hand on the torch, carrying it along with us!

You're our family
This is not just about you supporting our ministry...we're passionate about investing into your lives!
Every month you’ll receive new content from us, plus we’re always developing creative resources just for you. It’s all designed to inspire and encourage you as you’re carrying your torch into your world!
Check out below all the family benefits you’ll enjoy as a Torch Bearer!

Contribute however much you want
We have no set amounts for you to donate towards our work - that's entirely your choice. Just ask God what He has for you to contribute.
However much you give (whether its $5 or $5,000) you are part of our family – and you’ll have full access to every Torch Bearer perk! We’ll keep you empowered with every resource we create and pray passionately for you every week!
Already a Torch Bearer?
Click here to access Torch Central – your online hub of exclusive Torch Bearers content and resources.

Partners in Prayer
You're never without prayer!
Every week, our team sets aside quality time to pray specifically for our Torch Bearers fam. We pray for your whole lives, for your families, and for God’s blessing as you carry your torch into your world!

Why the torch?
Our logo is the torch, because we think a torch is the best representation of our music. You see, a torch has one purpose: carrying a flame.
In the same way, everything we create is for a single purpose: carrying the flame of God’s light.
Your support enables us to produce music and other creative content that carries that flame to the people who need to hear it. So every time we take light into the darkness – be it through a song, a video, a podcast or a live event – you’ve got a hand on the torch, carrying it along with us!
And remember that you’re carrying a torch in your world – so we love providing you with resources to share with your world and shine light to those around you!