Whatever your story, God has a future filled with hope for you!
I sing a lot about my hope for a bright future, but that hope is so much more than positive thinking, it’s based in God’s promise and becomes an anchor for our souls – holding us steady through any storms life throws our way!
So I’d love you to take 5 minutes to watch this video where I chat with you about walking into the bright future God has planned for you!

Step into your bright future
Wherever you are and whatever your story, your bright future awaits.
God’s hope-filled future is the most exciting life you could live and it begins by taking His hand and seeking Him with all your heart.
Below are some great next steps you can take to follow God and step into your bright future.

Next Steps
Wherever you're at on your journey, we would love to help you take a next step toward the bright future God has designed just for you!
Future is Bright Podcast
Real people. Real stories. Real hope.
The Future is Bright Podcast is space where we chat to real people, with real stories of finding a bright future from the most hopeless times.
As they share their journey, we hope it inspires you that whatever your story and however dark today may seem, with God you have a future filled with hope.

My Future is Bright Story
When I wrote the song Future is Bright, many years ago, I was in the midst of a really dark time in my life.
But this song was my cry of hope as I chose to hold on to God’s anchor of hope and I discovered His bright future for me.
I’d love you to watch my story, and I hope it inspires you to walk into the bright future God has for you!

You're Not Alone
An important part of following Jesus into the bright future He's designed for you is connecting with other people on the same journey.
This way you can help each other, encourage each other and grow together.
We’d love to help you connect with people where you can keep learning and growing into your bright future. Just click below to tell us where you’re from and we’ll help you out!

Real People. Real Stories.
Like we said, this hope is real, and it can be inspiring to hear the stories of others following God into His hope-filled future, even amongst some of the darkest seasons of life.
From my teenage years I suffered times of depression, overcome with pain in my soul, which ultimately led to an attempt to suicide. I was rescued by a miracle and later realised that someone, somewhere had prayed for me during that time. I had known God as a child, but it wasn't until later on in life, as a young mother, that I understood who He was and the healing He could bring. When I started looking to God as my hope, He set me free from the depression and led me into my bright future.
I was going through a really dark time. My family was a mess and I just didn't know where to turn. I felt hopeless. One day I heard "My Song" and it was as if the lyrics were quoting my life. Every time I hear that song I cry. It has reminded me that God will always be faithful - however dark it is!
I struggled with bullying growing up in school and it really dented my self confidence. I was crying in my room one day and happened to listen to Caleb's song "I Love You". I can't describe how it impacted me. It was like God was speaking directly to me, reaching deep into my heart and telling me that He isn't ashamed of me. I'm still on the journey but that song has been such a source of strength to me.
Recently through the COVID-19 crisis that shook the world, my husband and I fell into very difficult times financially. We suddenly felt at sea - nothing was secure and darkness was taking over. We needed an Anchor of Hope in the waves. The same Anchor of Hope that Caleb sings about in "It's Alright" was also an Anchor for us. In the midst of a hopeless situation, we held onto God, our Anchor of Hope and we saw Him bring a miracle.
I had been battling depression after being ill for a long time and had been struggling to see a time when I would be happy again. I remember one morning opening the bible to Psalm 30 and reading that God could heal me. As I read, it was like He spoke straight to my brokenness and said "I've healed you. Weeping may last the night, but in the morning you will be full of ecstatic joy." Reading and hearing that, I suddenly felt hope and joy for the first time in a long time. I still faced days of challenge and depression, but I had a new hope that one day soon I would be completely free and healed. And today, I am!
One of my children went through a really tough situation a few years ago. As a Mum you want to do everything for your kids but sometimes you don’t have the power to do that. I remember how helpless I felt. I needed real help so I turned to God. He showed me that He was a faithful Father - someone who could bring real hope and change to their situation. And He did. Everything worked out for my child as God did what man could not do.
Share hope with your world!
Want to become a part of sharing this hope with your friends, family and world?
The Anchor Army is an amazing team – from all around the globe – partnering with us to bring hope to their world!
Anyone can join the army, and you don’t have to go anywhere! You are simply putting your hand up to not only receive hope, but to help us share that same hope!

Want to chat?
If you've got any questions, or just want to chat about any of this we'd love to hear from you!
Shoot us a message and we’ll get back to you. We can’t wait to see you walk into the amazing, bright, hope-filled future God has for you!